Indonesian next General Ecection will be held on the 9th of April, 2014. It is the platform for Indonesian people to exercise their supremacy in determining the country's future government. it will be conducted in a direct, general, freely, secret, honest and fair manner based on and governed by the principle of Pancasila (The official philosophical foundation of the Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 (The Constitution basis which was written in 1945 for the Indonesian Government). Any Indonesian Citizen (who are 17 years old and above) are considered as alegible voters. all voters are encouraged to exercise their voting rights and participate in this democracy feast simply for the poupose of shaping up a better Indonesia. as a good citizen, i am sure they won't miss out this 'once every five years' opportunity to be involved in the process of establishing the future Indonesian Government (for the period of 2014-2019).
for the Indonesian General Election held outside Indonesia (oversieas, including sarawak), the focus will be on electing people's representatives to be seated at the central parliement level and this will be followed by the election of the President of the Republik of Indonesia few months after that
based on the Indonesian General Election Rules and Regulations, the Indonesia ElectoralCommisioner (KPU - Komisi Pemilihan Umum) herby is required to form the Indonesian Election Committee (PPLN - Panitia Pemilihan LUar Negeri) for Overseas Voters to facilitate the conduct of the 2014 General Election in overseas countries. For Sarawak, the Indonesian Election Committe had been directly appointed by the Indonesian Electoral Commissioner (KPU) and officially inaugurated by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Kuching, Sarawak the Honorable Bapak Djoko Harjanto on the 7th of June 2013. The Committee consists of five no-government members and twho secretariat from the Indonesian Consulate General, Kuching. The members are as the following;
The elected members of the PPLN were all chosen from various Indonesian professionals who worked in Sarawak ranging from Lecturer, Architect, Businessman, Ustadz and a Post-graduate student. This was done to ensure total independency of the committee from the currant gobernment influence or involvement as well as preventing any non-biasness of the committe toward any particular political parties. The main role of this committe is to ensure that the Indonesian 2014 General Election in Sarawak will be conducted in smooth, honest and fair manner. In addition, this committe wil continously helping andsupporting the Indonesian Electoral Commissioner (KPU) on the following:
- Idenfirying and registering potential Indonesian voterswho work or reside in Sarawak
- To actively promoting and socializing the 'General Election' (PEMILU - Pemilihan Umum) information to the registered voters via media and non-media means
- Distributing and collecting ballot box to all registered voters throughout Sarawak a week before the official day of the Election itself
- Calculating the votes and publicly announcing the result on the day of the election itself
So far, PPLN (the committe) had managed to register a total of 98,814 Indonesian voters in Sarwak. Most of these voters are Indonesian workers who worked in various plantations, factories and other service sectors all arund Sarawak. it was quite a chalenging task to search and register thees workers. in addition to the help by the Indonesian Consulate General, PPLN was assisted by a supporting sub-committe called Voters Registration Committe (PANTARLIH - Panitia Pendaftar Pemilih) in performing this task. The detail breakdown of voters located throughout Sarawak is as follows:
Although the official date of the electionwill be on the 9th of April 2014, but for overseas voters, the process will start as early as the 30th of march until the 6th of April 2014 tentatively. The main venue for the voting ecercise will be held at the Consulate General of Indonesia, Kuching (on the date to be announced later). for those who are located away form the consulate, there will be a 'mobile ballot box' which will be facilitated by our member's committe and the elction process can be held directly right within the working premises where these workers are located. nevertheless, we encourage those voters to come directly to the Consulate General to register their vote on the day of the election itself.
promoting and socializing the information ont the "General Election' (PEMILU - Pemilihan Umum) on continuous regular basis is now the main task priority for the committe (PPLN) as we want to ensure that registered voters are updated all the time with the latest information on the PEMILU. Please check out our website at or Facebook at: to get the latest information on the election.
we also would like to take this opportunity to inform all Indonesian to come over to the General Consulate of Indonesia, Kuching on the 13th of Oktotober, 2013, at 11 am (lunch will be provide) to attend the program called "SOSIALISASI PEMILU 2014" (Socialization of the Indonesian General Election 2014). This program will give an insight direct update and information with regard to the Indonesian General Election. The question and Answer session will also be conducted. in the near future, we have a plan to work with any Malaysian Mobile Network Provider to help us in disseminating the information on the General Electionto the Indonesian Voters.
please contact our secretariat office no at 082 241734 or 421734or via email at for more information and queries with regard to the Indonesian General Election 2014